8 October 2024:
can be filtered by blockchain network.
9 July 2024:
includes decimal places.
11 March 2024:
All pool in responses now returns
, andvolume_usd
in more intervals 5-minutes, 1-hour, 6-hours, and 24-hours.
28 February 2024:
now returned in the token response in the/tokens
endpoints.Sorting parameters such as
added for/pools
endpoint can now accept token address (as long as it exist in the pool queried) to be returned as data./ohlc
response describes the base and target token.
3 December 2023:
Pool data now returns transaction stats for the last 1 hour. Unique buyers and sellers in the last 1 hour and 24 hours are now returned in the response.
24 November 2023:
Trending Pools API is now available to fetch a list of pools that are trending as seen on GeckoTerminal based on web visits and onchain activities.
10 November 2023:
Inspired by CoinGecko API most popular endpoint, we have launched the Simple endpoint. Simply pass in addresses of any tokens on supported blockchain and get price data for it.
8 November 2023:
You can now get the latest 300 trades in the past 24 hours of a given pool. You may optionally filter by trade size as well.
You can now build your own telegram bot alert!
23 October 2023:
You can now fetch token information such as name, image, social links, and description via API calls
To fetch information of tokens inside a pool, use
To fetch information of a specific token use
If you like to get token information of the most recently updated tokens, use
11 September 2023:
Pool response data now returns price in the base and quote token of the pool
for your convenience without the need to do additional calculation to derive these values.
7 September 2023:
Added new endpoint to search for pools
based on keywords passed into query.
6 September 2023:
Added new endpoints to allow querying multiple pools and tokens in a single API call.
23 June 2023:
More data added to the Pool response such as FDV, market cap (from CoinGecko if available), price change percentage, volume, number of buy/sell transactions
More data added when querying for token such as FDV, volume, market cap, and the top 3 pools.
28 May 2023:
Token metadata such as name, symbol, and CoinGecko ID are now returned in the Pool response. Need to pass in this attribute
.CoinGecko asset platform ID added to the response for /api/v2/networks API call.
19 April 2023:
Rate limit increased from 10 calls per minute to 30 calls per minute
18 April 2023:
added to the pools endpoint response. This allows you to obtain price in the network's native currency in addition to in USD.reserve_in_usd
added to the pools endpoint response. This returns total liquidity/reserve of the pool in USD.pool_created_at
added to the pools endpoint response./networks/{network}/new_pools API endpoint added to query new pools discovered for a network
/networks/new_pools API endpoint added to query new pools discovered across all networks
23 March 2023:
ohlcv endpoint returns more granularity
and multipleaggregates
Last updated